• Flight Simulators Certifications

    How many types are there and what each one is used for.

There are specific flight simulators for each stage in pilot’s training. Then, the different certifications establish the standards for the different devices, guaranteeing the compliance of the requirements needed to successfully overcome every training phase.

In this article, we will analyse the different stages to become a commercial pilot, studying the characteristics of the simulators used in each of them.

But before getting started, we will have a look on the certifications for flight simulators established by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).

What are the existing flight simulators certifications?

The flight simulators types, or ‘Flight Simulation Training Device’ (FSTD) are defined in the ‘Certification Specifications’, or CS-FSTD (A) of EASA.

In this way, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) establishes three main FSTD certification levels:

  • FNPT (Flight Navigation and Procedures Trainer)
  • FTD (Flight Training Device)
  • FFS (Full Flight Simulator)

FNPT Simulators

They are fixed base flight simulators that can be used in all the training stages: from the initial flight phases until update courses, including basic emergency procedures, navigation, instruments or cabin cooperation. They are the most used during a commercial pilot training. They are versatile and very reliable.

Furthermore, if the FNPT simulator has a MCC certification, it means that it will be also used for a coordinated flight between pilot and copilot (MCC, Multi Crew Coordination).

So it is that until the moment to get the MCC, the pilot has only learnt to fly on the left side, as the sole captain. It is during this stage when they learn to coordinate actions and procedures during navigation; learning, that it is not possible to acquire in a FTD.

FTD Simulators

The FTD flight simulators are fixed base devices, although in this case, they simulate a specific type of aircraft. This characteristic then, makes that these devices are used for aircraft type rating formation.

The FTD flight simulators are used in the last training stages, focused on the preparation of the student for the airline selection processes. They are the perfect complement for the FNPT simulators; FNTP allows to simulate the navigation meanwhile the FTD are to practice particular procedures.

FFS Simulators

The FFS flight simulators, as well as the previous ones, reproduce a particular type of aircraft, with the distinctive feature that it incorporates a moving base that provides movement and vibration. It has a higher level of technical complexity and can be used for the same trainings as in a FTD flight simulator.

Types of flight simulator certifications

Other flight simulators

Although a priori they do not enter in this classification, there exist other types of flight simulators that are very useful to uplift the training at the initial stages, and get familiar with certain instruments or practice specific manoeuvres.

Below, we offer a good summary of the flight simulators that you will be able to pilot in our school.

  • SIMLAB by One Air

    Largest flight simulator centre at a European ATO


FNPT II Flight Simulators at One Air

Alsim ALX FNPT II MCC Simulator

Medium Jet A320 – SEP Complex – MEP Complex

Our Alsim ALX simulator can be used for most training courses thanks to its three certifications (SEP, MEP and MCC). New students with no experience receive training to reach the standard level of an ATPL Licence.

It offers Private Aircraft Pilot PPL (A) training, multi-engine instrument rating (IR+ME), PBN approaches using GPS, Multi-Crew Co-operation course (APS MCC), Jet Orientation Course (JOC) and pilot training and selection for airline interviews.

Alsim AL42 FNPT II Simulator

Diamond DA42 Replica

Being an identical replica of the twin-engine aircrafts that afterwards our students will pilot in the real flight stage, the Alsim AL42, is one of the most interesting flight simulators. In One Air, we use it in order to obtain the multi-engine rating (ME)

When the time to put yourself at the controls of the impressive Diamond DA42 comes, the pilot is thoroughly familiar with the procedures, doing more productive and enjoyable flight hours.

– Coming soon –

Boeing 737 MAX FNPT II Simulator

The expansion of our facilities with a new specific SimLab based on the Boeing 737 MAX for the official APS MCC courses is already underway.

In it, we find new-generation BOEING 737 MAX simulators, with EASA FNPT II certification, among others. Soon available for all our students.

FTD Flight Simulators at One Air

Airbus A320 FTD Compliant Simulator

The Airbus A320 EASA FTD Compliant flight simulator integrates the specific training software with professional license with the same updates used by an Airbus. Furthermore, its high level of realism and reliability permits the approval of this flight simulator as EASA FTD.

In our FTD Compliant simulator, we have developed an ample catalogue of courses in A320, that ennoble the training experience of our students, as well as of active pilots that look for obtaining type rating, or during the refresher seminars.

Boeing 737-800 FTD Compliant Simulator

As the A320, the Boeing 737-800 NG EASA FTD Compliant flight simulator integrates the specific training software with the same professional license and the same updates used by a Boeing. Likewise, its high level of reliability with the real aircraft permits its approval as EASA FTD. You can see here our course catalogue for B737-800.

– Coming Soon –

Boeing 737 MAX FTD Simulator

In the new specific SimLab based on the Boeing 737 MAX we will also have FTD simulators with B737 MAX Advanced Flight Deck cockpits, with the same features and identical realism as the Boeing 787 Dreamliner and the Boeing 777X. Very soon available for all our students.

More Flight Simulators at One Air

Full Motion Redbird Xwind

Specific for crosswind training

A Full Motion crosswind simulator, unique in Europe, which allows instruction in crosswind and turbulence conditions for long periods of time, something impossible to train safely in real flight.

This flight simulator makes it possible to practice windshear approaches under the supervision of the instructor and to discover, in a 100% realistic way, the behaviour of an aircraft in this type of situations.

Tecnam P2008 JC MKII Simulator

Garmin G3X Touch

This is a full-scale replica simulator of our Tecnam P2008 JC MKII Premium Edition aircraft, which is also unique in the world.

This specific trainer, with Glass Cockpit G3X Touch avionics, recreates the procedures to be used in the real aircraft and offers a totally immersive experience. Of course, it allows a perfect prior adaptation and a maximum use of the real flight hours.

Click on the link to learn more about the Tecnam P2008 JC MKII simulator.

Diamond DA20 Glass Cockpit and Analogue Simulators

We offer you two Diamond DA20 C1 simulators with two different types of avionics: the Diamond DA20 C1 Glass Cockpit Garmin G600 simulator with GTN 650 and the Diamond DA20 C1 Analogue Garmin GNS 530 simulator.

The Diamond DA20 C1 Analogue flight simulator is key in the first contact of our students with the Diamond DA20 C1 aircraft, to understand the basic notions of flight and become familiar with basic and emergency procedures, thus avoiding additional hours of real flight.

The Diamond DA20 C1 Glass Cockpit G600 simulator is perfect for first impressions of instrument flight, as well as for familiarisation with digital instrument equipment.

Cirrus SR20 and SR22 Glass Cockpit Simulators

Available with two different types of avionics: the Cirrus SR20 aircraft simulator features Avidyne Entegra Glass Cockpit and the SR22 simulator features Garmin G1000 Perspective Glass Cockpit.

The Cirrus SR22 flight simulator with full Perspective™ Garmin G1000 avionics allows our students to familiarise themselves with the type of avionics present in this new generation aircraft (autopilot, FMC, etc).

Meanwhile, our Cirrus SR20 simulator with Avidyne Entegra Glass Cockpit with Garmin GTN 650 touchscreen technology, makes it a simulator that perfectly recreates the cockpit of the aircraft and the instrument procedures to be followed.

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