2nd EDITION – 2021


We finally reveal the winner of the 2nd Edition of the PPL (A) 2021 contest, organised by Avion Revue and One Air E-ATO 190.

First of all, we would like to thank the participation and the interest shown by all of you who have taken part in this new edition.

Furthermore, we congratulate you once again, as you will all be able to take your PPL (A) theoretical pilot course, as well as several hours of flight and simulator training, as previously announced. In September you will receive all the material and we will contact you to arrange the starting dates.

We sincerely hope that this award brings you a little closer to fulfilling your dream of becoming a pilot, and that you enjoy all the training you will receive, both on the ground and in the air.

Well, although it has been very difficult to decide, the winner of this edition #oneairtedaalas2021 is:


Congratulations for your perseverance and dedication!