• Bird control at airports: How do falcons ensure safety?

    Bird control at airports by falcons

You may not be aware, but the management of aviation safety is a complex affair, encompassing the bird control at airports. Why is this significant? We’re about to delve into that, with a specific focus on the role of falcons at airfields.

Aviation and ornithology are more interconnected than they might seem. We’ve previously discussed the parallels between birds and aeroplanes in our post. Here, we’ll explore an effective method of bird control near airport surroundings. Shall we begin?

The risk of birds in flight zones

The airspace around airports is highly sensitive, where the presence of birds poses a significant risk to aerial operations’ safety. Birds colliding with aircraft, known as “bird strikes“, can lead to grave incidents.
To mitigate this risk, various strategies for controlling birds have been implemented, with the deployment of falcons being among the most effective and environmentally considerate.
The areas surrounding airports often attract diverse bird species, varying based on the airport’s geographical location, typically including seagulls, pigeons, and crows. Attracted to the expansive open areas and food availability, these birds are frequent airport visitors, thus presenting a considerable hazard to aircraft.

The role of falcons at airports

Falcons, renowned for their agility and flight capabilities, play a pivotal role in controlling birds at airports. Their mere presence is sufficient to deter other birds from approaching, thanks to their natural status as predators.

The employment of falcons for bird control honours the ecological balance. As a natural component of the food chain, falcons offer an environmentally friendly solution, avoiding the need for harsher or more intrusive methods.

Who are the falconers?

Falconers are highly trained individuals in managing and training falcons. Their task involves teaching these birds to patrol the airport skies, keeping other bird species away.
This profession, with historical roots, has adapted to meet modern-day requirements, becoming a crucial element in aviation safety.
We’ve got a video that details the role of falconers and falcons at airports – it’s a must-watch!

Falconer with a falcon trained to keep birds away from flight zones

Origins and evolution of falcon-based bird control

The practice of using falcons to control birds at airports isn’t recent. Its origins date back several decades when the necessity for effective and natural methods to address this problem was identified.
Falconry, the bedrock of the falconers’ work, is a millennia-old practice. However, its application to airports is an example of how age-old traditions can find new roles in the modern world, blending a respect for nature with technology and present-day needs.
Falconry at airports has evolved to incorporate cutting-edge technologies to improve falcons’ efficiency and effectiveness. These include GPS tracking systems, specialised training, and management techniques tailored to the unique challenges of airport environments.

Falcons at airports: A synthesis of nature and safety

Falcons at airports represent an innovative and environmentally friendly solution to a significant safety concern. The presence of these birds of prey, alongside the work of falconers, illustrates how the synergy between nature and technology can produce remarkable outcomes.

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