With Glass Cockpit technology and FNPT II certifications, our Alsim ALX simulator has three independent FNPT II certificates that allow the faithful representation and configuration of three types of aircraft:
✓ Medium Jet FNPT II Type Airbus 320
✓ Twin-Engine Piston FNPT II Glass Cockpit MEP
✓ Single-Engine Piston FNPT II Glass Cockpit SEP
Each independent FNPT II certification also includes PBN certification so our students can take PBN training in the three different types of aircraft offered by our simulator (SEP, MEP and Medium Jet). This allows students to carry out their PBN training with the aircraft they are familiar with and therefore have experience with.
The simulator is also certified to carry out APS MCC (Airline Pilots Standards) courses, which are currently required by the best airlines and that One Air has been teaching for several years together with the PBN.
Together with our ALSIM AL42 simulator, specific and based on our Diamond DA42s and also with PBN certification, the Alsim ALX is the perfect complement for the training of all our student pilots.
Do you want to discover our SIMLAB with more than 20 simulators?
Feel free to visit our YouTube channel where we will be posting videos of all our training devices: A320 FTDC, Boeing737 FTDC, Alsim Diamond DA42, Xwind, Diamond DA20, Cirrus SR20…
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Come to see us and you can see all the simulators for yourself!
Welcome to One Air, welcome to aviation.